Believing In The Possibilities

I’ve been vacationing in my hometown Brooklyn, New York for the past three weeks! Coming back home has given me the chance to connect with the things that I miss about NYC life - my family, friends, the food and the energy that continues to vibrate in my bones although I’m living across the country in CA. As I prepare to spend my last day here for a while, I am reminded of the messages Spirit revealed to me as I got ready to relocate. I was told that I would spend some time in CA and then return back to Brooklyn. I really connected to this though as I made my way through the city, taking in the different neighborhoods and the things that have changed since I moved away.

One of the biggest things that I am being reminded of is to believe in the possibilities. I may not always know how things are going to manifest - I have my own ideas yet trusting in Spirit to lead and guide me is where my focus on believing in the possibilities lies. One of the biggest things that the pandemic has shown us time and time again is that we have options for how we connect with one another beyond being in the physical presence of someone else. There is great power in being able to connect in person yet being open to the possibilities of creating in a different way is something that I’m thinking about these days.

I am thankful for this time away, to get quiet and hear the things that I need to hear. I’m grateful that I’m at the place in my life where trusting, believing, having faith and courage are a few of the things that I am reminded of daily. Until next time Brooklyn!


Six Of Wands


Endings Are Actually Beginnings….